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Organizer - Setup Page Settings

Tournament Setup Settings page, tournament format, registration, region, tournament check-in.

Stefan avatar
Written by Stefan
Updated over a week ago

The third page of the tournament Setup Page is the Settings page. This page controls format and registration details of your tournament, and some additional settings related to the how the tournament may function.

The first section you will encounter is "Required Fields". This section contains important settings for the tournament format, region, and functionality. It is important to know that some options in this section may vary depending on the game you have selected however the purpose of the section is generally the same or similar across games. Valorant will be the game used for the example below.

It is very important to note that settings that could impact registration such as the format, region, or platform CANNOT be changed after you have published the tournament for the first time, even if you return to draft mode.

  1. When relevant you will need to select the region or server for a game that you wish to host your tournament on. This can be impactful especially in games that do not offer cross region play. Similarly, if a game has multiple platforms you may have an option to select what platform the tournament will be held on, or cross-play if that is enabled for a certain game.

  2. The format selection may vary from game to game, but generally you will find options for 1v1 or pre-made teams. In some cases you will also see an option for free agent draft, or mixed pre-made teams and free agent.

  3. Tournament check-in can be enabled here. Keep in mind that this is different from Match check-in which is set up on the bracket.

  4. Here you can choose to let players report scores in addition to admins, or set it so that only admins can report scores for each match.

  5. You may wish to require screenshots for some tournaments, this can help provide evidence that the reported score is correct.

  6. In some cases Battlefy may have special integrations with a game. For Valorant specifically this includes Assisted Score Reporting, which can impact your ability to choose options in section 4 and 5 due to the integration. Other integrations may also impact some options on the Settings page.

The next section you will find is the "Advanced Fields" section. Here you can select optional settings for your tournament.

  1. Participant points can be added to your participants which can assist with seeding a bracket. These are often used in events than run multiple tournaments to seed based on tournament results. When this is enabled you may manually add points to players on the participants page, or import points from a .csv file. Check out the article on Managing Participants for more information on importing points.

  2. Setting a Registration Participant limit will let you put a cap on how many teams you want to have registered. Note that this will not prevent teams from registering, however any team that registers after the limit will be issued a warning that they may not be seeded into the bracket. You may find seeding by check-in, or by registration order helpful when using this feature.

  3. Country Flags on brackets can help display where players are playing from. This can be useful when determining what server games should be played on in games that give options for better ping.

  4. Registration Regions will allow you to restrict what countries participants are able to register from. By default there are no restrictions, regardless of what region you may have selected in the Required Fields above. Selecting at least one country in this section will restrict registration to only the countries you have selected.

In the third and final section, you will find Player Registration Fields in the settings section. This section is used to collect important information from your participants.

  1. Clicking this drop down will allow you to add a new registration field, either public or private. By default a player's in game identifier will always be the first field and this field cannot be removed. This may take different forms depending on the game, for example Valorant and League of Legends may require an account connection whereas other games may simply ask for players to enter their In Game Name.

  2. The difference between a public field and private field is that public fields are viewable by anyone on the match page. In Game Names, and things such as discord IDs are good examples of public information. Conversely, things such as email, mobile numbers, or other personally identifiable information or contact methods would generally be considered private. Private fields can only be viewed by Organization staff on the participants page.

Lastly, registration fields cannot be changed while the tournament is published. These fields may be adjusted by setting the tournament to draft mode again. As an organizer it is important to note that changes to this section will not affect players or teams that have already registered to the tournament. For example if you add an additional field, players who are already signed up will not have to enter data into that field.

For more information about setting up and managing your tournament click here.

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