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Publishing a Tournament

Publish Tournament, Draft Mode, Private Tournament, Public Tournament

Jim avatar
Written by Jim
Updated over 9 months ago

When setting up your tournament for the first time the final step will be to Publish your tournament, and you will navigate to the Publish Page. You may also return here later to adjust settings.

  1. All tournaments will begin in Draft mode allowing you to make changes to the Setup Page sections freely. While in Draft mode your tournament cannot be public. You may return to Draft mode at a later time, which will lock registration until you Publish again. When viewing a tournament that is in Draft mode from outside of the Manage section you will also find a warning to alert you that you are still in Draft mode.

  2. Setting a tournament to Published will allow for registration to be opened, and doing this for the first time will lock some Settings.

  3. Tournaments set to Private will not be found when searching for tournaments on Battlefy. Players may still view the tournament and register to the tournament as long as they have a direct link to the tournament page as long as the tournament is Published.

  4. Tournaments set to Public will be found when searching for tournaments on Battlefy. It is important to know that tournaments will NOT be visible until 48 hours after tournament creation.

  5. Lastly, Organizers can enable Join Codes on their tournament which can help manage registration.

For more information about setting up and managing your tournament click here.

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