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Hearthstone Open Decklist format

Open Decklist tournament, all submitted decklists from every player are made public once the tournament starts.

Anthony avatar
Written by Anthony
Updated over a week ago

We’re excited to announce the release of a patch for competitive Hearthstone that will ensure you’re always in charge of your tournament experience.

We’ve seen the community embrace the Open Decklist format for competitive Hearthstone. In addition, Blizzard announced they will adopt the Open Decklist format from now on.

What is the Open Decklist format?

In an Open Decklist tournament, all submitted decklists from every player are made public once the tournament starts.

We’ve buffed our platform by integrating decklist submission and management into the Hearthstone tournament experience. We support both Open and Closed Decklist formats.

Here’s what we’ve added to support the Open Decklist format…

Tournament Creation

There is now a setting during tournament creation for organizers to designate whether a tournament is running Open or Closed Decklist format.

All new Hearthstone tournaments created on Battlefy will default to the Open Decklist format, as this is the format of Blizzard Hearthstone Esports.

Decklist Submission

When players join a tournament, instead of choosing the classes they want to play, they’ll now submit and verify their decks!

We’ve made decklist submission simple by using the deckstrings feature built into the game.

Instructions on how to copy deckstrings can be found in this blog, which you can share with your players.

Decklist Management

Until the tournament starts, players can manage their decklist by going back to the tournament page and clicking the “Edit Decks” button on the Player Guide.

As organizers, you and your admins can edit any player’s decklist at any time. In your tournament’s admin portal, you can access and modify any player’s decklist by going to the Manage Participants page.

Playing Matches

Finally, for Open Decklist tournaments, opponents’ decks are shown on the match page. Players can make important strategic choices, from banning which deck they don’t want to play against to keeping track of what cards their opponent has played.

Got questions?

There are more exciting Hearthstone features coming soon!

In the meantime, if you have any questions or want to give feedback on this patch about the Open Decklist format, please email us.

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