Draft Mode:
In this mode, your tournament page is not discoverable, is hidden from the public view and is not joinable. This mode is there for you to preview your tournament page before making it available to other people.
Published Public Mode:
In this mode, your tournament will come up under search engines and can be found from your discovery page. If you publish your tournament, there is a chance that it will appear on the Battlefy Discovery portal which will help drive participation in your tournament. All newly created tournaments are subject to a 48 hour waiting time before they will appear in our Discovery lists to help combat spam content. Players will still be able to get to your tournament by going to the tournament link directly.
Published Private Mode:
In this mode, your tournament will be hidden from the public view and will not be discoverable through either your organization page or the Battlefy discovery portal. Players will only be able to get to this tournament by going to the tournament link directly so make sure to provide that link to only to those you want to see and join it. Note: if someone shares this link with others they will also be able to join.
Tip! If you want your tournament to remain private for registrations but have the tournament results public, you can set the tournament to Published Public and use the Join Codes feature as an alternative. Here's the tutorial on Join Codes