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Tournament Page Basics - Players
Anthony avatar
Written by Anthony
Updated over 4 months ago

Before joining the tournament, participants should check the Details Tab (1, shown above, mobile view below) to see the platform and server/region that the game will be played upon. They should also check the date and time. If you are logged in to Battlefy when viewing the page, then the time will be shown in the time zone you selected when creating your account. If it does not show in your time zone then you may not be logged in or you need to update your time zone selection.

Players should review the Rules Tab (2, shown above, mobile view below), to ensure they understand the organizer’s requirements and regulations that will be used during the tournament. Each organizer is allowed to set the rules how they see fit and they could be different then other tournaments you may have been apart of before.

The Local Player Guide (3, shown above, mobile view below) will have a players most critical action listed for the tournament being viewed. If you have not joined yet, you will be prompted to join the tournament. Some organizers may have an entry fee or open their registration only to certain players whom are provided a join code, these tournaments require those steps to be completed before you can move on to join the tournament. Once joined, timers for when the tournament starts, check-in, links to your match, etc. will be listed in this section.

Mobile View

See the following guides on how to register.
Standard Tournament Join Flow

To confirm you're registered, you may check the Participants Tab for your entry, or notice how instead of the join button, you now have details about the tournament start.

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